Thursday, May 26, 2011

WTF? People bike in this town?

I finally did it!  I biked to work.  It only took 6 months really.

It's been on my mind for ages.  I see people biking and it looks fun, healthy, active...all those things that make you think of happy people in commercials.  So I finally bought a bike.  And then it sat in my living room for a few weeks while I stared at it.  It became a drying rack for laundry.

Last Sunday, I decided that was it!  I must ride this thing!  I planned out the best biking route and hopped on the bike.  The biking route to work is a network of twists and turns overly complicating the 2 mile trip.  So much so, that I required a map just to navigate when to turn.  I had to stop frequently to check the map and make sure I was heading the right way.  After a nice cruise down the bus-free street where I live, I turned right onto some more traffic free streets.  All is fine, I thought.  This is fun!!  And then past Tavistock Square, the site of the bus bombing in 2005.  I looked for a memorial in the square center but didn't see anything.  I headed into SoHo where traffic was much busier.  But I made it!  Then I headed towards home, stopping at Regents Park to go around the park several times just to be able to ride fast and free.  I say fast, but everyone was passing me.  I'm still slow.  I noticed a guard with an automatic weapon.  That really seemed out of place in the park.  I found out a little later that it was in from of the house where Obama was staying.  Ohhhhh!  That 'splains it.  I didn't even know he was in town.  Then I hit the canals and was home.  Great!  That wasn't so bad.

Tuesday was a little different.  Sunday traffic and Tuesday 8:45am traffic are very different beasts.  I was so terrified, I just kept staring at the cyclists in front of me, missing my left turn.  I'm not even really sure where I was, but I just kept following the cyclists.  There was a small voice saying over and over, "What do I do?  What do I do?" And that voice was mine.  At one point, I was at the corner of Southampton Row and Holborn.  But I was on the northwest corner and I need to go east, that is I'm on the far left and I need to go right.  Not being able to figure how to do that easily, I just picked up the bike and became a pedestrian for a bit.  Once oriented in the right direction, I waited for traffic to pass, looking at my phone and then looking confused as if I was waiting for someone or something.  I do have my pride after all.  Can't let on that I have no idea what I'm doing.  Finally, it looked like a good moment to jump back into the fray.  I peddled on down Holborn, onto Shaftesbury and arrived at work.  And I was still shaking.

Home wasn't so bad, except for the giant hill just before home, but then...I was home!  And I just kept think, "WTF!  Why do people do that?  Drive a thing that is like a vehicle except with no front or sides or back on a busy street next to 2 story tall vehicles with very big fronts and sides and backs?"

I was thinking of riding in this morning until the security guard informed me that I need to be sure to get a sticker.  And that I should get in before 9:15 because there are only 30 spots for 150 bikes and you aren't allowed to lock your bike to anything.  Any bike that is not properly stored or is without a sticker gets towed.  If you miss getting a spot you have to take your bike outside and lock it to something else - like a rubbish bin or something.  So much for the Ride to Work Scheme.  But soon I'll move to a new building with lots of parking spots, so I won't have that excuse.  I'll just have to dig deep and find that courage to ride through Central London traffic!


  1. Go Dara!!! Yeah, it's intimidating here, especially at first, but give it a bit of time...and just ride like you're a horse with blinders on...
